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April 3, 2023 4:06 am  #1

How many times does Kari Lake have to prove wrongdoing in the election

I mean, really, how many times DOES she have to prove what we all know is true?  I think she's already proven it at least 5 or 6 times without question and yet, here we are still wrangling about it.  This is unbelievable. 

Get the machines.  Check the machines.  Run the machines.  Check the ballots.


But Lake's team keeps coming up with the wrong answer for the dimwit dems so they want to slide the whole thing under the rug.  That is totally unacceptable.

What about future elections?  WHO WILL BELIEVE THE RESULTS?  EVERY SINGLE ELECTION GOING FORWARD WILL BE QUESTIONED, as they should be.  We cannot have this kind of precedent in America.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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