The medical industry is still out there pushing lies about cholesterol. Don't listen to any of them. If you are prescried a cholesterol-lowering drug, throw it in the trash the very first chance you get. I HAD TO TAKE ONE BEFORE THEY WOULD ALLOW ME TO LEAVE THE HOSPITAL AFTER A SLIGHT STROKE EARLIER THIS YEAR. When I got home 1 day later, the very first thing I did was throw those things in the trash and I've never looked back.
Here's a good article regarding the facts about cholesterol useage. It's a short article, so please read it just for a basic education about these dangerous drugs.
" “For every 100 patients with elevated cholesterol levels who take statins for 5 years, a myocardial infarction will be prevented in 1 or 2 patients. Preventing a heart attack is a meaningful outcome. However, by taking statins, 1 or more patients will develop diabetes and 20% or more will experience disabling symptoms, including muscle weakness, fatigue and memory loss.” "