My Polka Dot Apron

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September 22, 2023 1:12 am  #1

Since when did age become the issue? Cognitive ability is the issue

Ol' joe clearly has cognitive issues but no one seems to be questioning his "competency".    There was a story just yesterday about a gal who was 102 and she decided she wanted to try cable tv channels for the first time.  She signed up for every channel available and the cost was enormous, but she said I never splurge and it's about time I do.

I agree!!  Let her do whatever she wants to do at that age.  Age is NOT what's important.  COMPETENCY IS WHAT'S IMPORTANT.  Can they cite any clear issues with her cognitive abilities?  If they could, I didn't see anything like a red flag in this article.  I think they better be looking more closely at ol' joe and worrying less about others who've not done anything NEARLY as egregious as what he's been doing to this country.  He's ruining the whole damned place and for what?  He THINKS he's going to get those law breaking migrants to vote for him. HA.  They're not gonna vote for someone like joe.  They know he clearly breaks the law and even though they do it too, they sure don't want their leaders to do it, that's why they left their "home countries".

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

September 24, 2023 6:10 am  #2

Re: Since when did age become the issue? Cognitive ability is the issue

The man is totally clueless.  He doesn't even KNOW he's sitting on stage with one of the foremost leaders of the world.  He actually thinks he's in church or something.  It's just plain goddamned weird.

I am an old lady living alone now since I lost my husband (A MAN) in 2021 and my grocery bill today was $240 and I bought nothing weird and strange unless you call stew meat or peanut butter something strange.  I bought no dairy, no eggs (not paying over $13 / doz for those damned little eggs) and I refuse to buy ULTRAPASTEURIZED MILK or oatmilk or almond milk yada yada.  NO WAY.  So I skipped that whole part of the store.  I bought some veggies and some fruits (not much), I bought some nice fresh bakery slider buns and then the damned bag boy didn't get them into my cart before I took stuff out to the car because I managed to get home without them - damn it.  I wanted to buy a thing of Havarti cheese but it was so high priced I put it right back onto the shelf and said no damned way. 

Raise your hand if you think prices on ANYTHING is every going to go down again as long as dumbass ol' joe dementia-screw loose bagman is in the WH?  Ha, don't hold yer breath.  And it's not his age that's the problem, it's his general health.  He's just not "there" anymore.  Age really has nothing to do with your state of mind, it has to do with how feeble he is maybe, but his frame of mind is because he's a dumbass.  I can think of no other excuse for a man to be soooooo dimwitted.   He just doesn't even know where he is most of the time, sometimes I wonder if he knows he's even the President?  He has so many people pulling the strings in the background, even when he's sitting on the beach soaking up the saltwater spray (good for the human body) but he gets no sun.  He NEEDS some vitamin D3 and K2 and a LOT of other things he apparently isn't getting.  Where's his little busybody wifey who purports to take care of him???  If I were his children I'd be dragging her along by her hair until she DID start taking care of him, that is not his grandkids duty or obligation any more than it's yours or mine.  But we DO need to vote him out of office should he accidently survive until 2024. 


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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