My Polka Dot Apron

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March 19, 2020 4:05 am  #1

"Virus" by design

This whole "Virus" thing was done by design. 

It was done to kill off the "Trump Economy" - - which has been fueling American's with jobs and therefore MONEY in their pockets.

Democraps can't HAVE that, doncha know.  They just can't stand the thought of people succeeding - - unless it's one of their own (like Hunter Biden the leech).

What the democraps have NOT considered is that when these people no longer have jobs, the restaurants etc., are not going to be able to serve ANYONE, the stupidass democraps included.  Who DO those idiots think they're fooling with?  This is not a kindergarten class where people don't understand and can't see what's happening/  We can.

** Also, I'm sick of hearing what a "winner" Biden is.  I wonder who's pulling the strings because you can bet your bottom dollar he's not winning these states because he's so damned popular.  Most people hate the man because he's an idiot, a total idiot.  I hope we all find out real soon what's fueling Biden's "successes" of late. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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