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October 21, 2023 10:29 pm  #1

We could use MORE of these

Crazy lady reporters, as Rasida and Ilhan call them because they're AFRAID TO ANSWER HER QUESTIONS FOR FEAR OF SAYING THE "WRONG" THINGS (things they didn't agree on, when revealing their dark sides).

MY QUESTION IS: how the hell did those two foreign broads get into OUR halls of CONgress in the first place?  Oh right, this isn't AMERICA anymore.  ol' joe did a lot to help that cause, even from the time he was the VP, and he still is helping their "cause" but then again his whole family is a bunch of elitist jackasses.  He's got company!!  LOTS of it, apparently on the dem side of things.  But the repubs are no angels here either.  There's a lot of blame to go around for everyone on The Hill today.  None of this crap is new, it's just getting harder for them to hide it all.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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