My Polka Dot Apron

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July 28, 2023 11:03 pm  #1

Did your family do much of this?

Ourdoor grilling?

I recently purchased a Moon and Stars Fire Pit but when it arrived it had no grill *you know, where you lay the hot dogs and hamburgers?) and nothing fireproof to set it on.  It was supposed to come with ALL of those things.  Now I'm off to the local hardware store to see if I can buy just the grill grate, a wire brush for cleaning it, and a fireproof pad to set it on.  I need to buy a lawnmower but that's gonna hafta wait because my grandbabies are expecting to come over this weekend for a grill out !!  We are going to make chili *Cinncinnati Chile* (we make it without meat because we eat the meat we cook on the grill) and some of the kids like to put their hot dogs on a bun and put the chili on top. 

Personally I like sauerkraut on my hot dogs.  I always boil my hot dogs first and then we grill them, just the way my mama did.  Back in the 50's and 60's we sliced the hot dogs almost in half but not quite all the way through the dog and opened them up and laid them flat onto the grill over the charcoals.  Now I use a combo of charcoal and wood chunks to conduct the heat and those little things called firestarters to get the fire going in the first place.  When my DH was alive he always took care of this stuff so I'm not even sure what the heck I'm doing but we're keeping a couple of buckets of water handy just in case.

I remember our gril when I was growing up had three legs and very shallow pit thing to put the charcoal into and a flip top deal to keep closed while the food was cooking and to flip open to check on stuff.  I can't wait it's gonna be so much fun!

I made a big lettuce and cabbage salad mixture with mandarin oranges and strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, along with a homemade vinegar and oil and pineapple juice dressing.  We usually use green goddess dressing but I can't find a good brand name anymore and the restaurant where I used to buy it by the gallon has now closed down because they cannot find enough dishwasher help.  Everyone wants to start at the top, doncha know?  Wonder where they got that idea???  $22/hr or they won't even get out of bed.  My first job paid $1 per hour and that was selling and mixing paint, refilling the colorant "merry go round" (that's what I called it!), sweeping the floor, constant dusting everything off, selling carpet and tile, etc.  I got a check every friday afternoon for $40 dollars and thought I was livin' high.  I usually spend it in about 3 days on cigarettes *everyone smoked back then, beer and pop.  We had great times and it didn't cost all that much, but it also took any of us who worked a whole week to make that money, too.  Do you think biden's minions would say "oh my, that's awful and scream racism over it"???  Hardly.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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