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This is just astonishing.
What is his campaign thinking??? What is HE thinking??? He's trying to kill off his own chances of winning or gaining points in the REPUBLICAN race for President !! I know a ton of people already who do not care for him, never did, and now they really hate him. Having his wife cheerlead for him is not helping. Luckily, Melania is smart enough to know that and she's not even a "born in America" American. She is a wonderful lady, no matter who tries to keep trash-talking her.
The "hearings" this morning were anything but "hearings" because the dimwit dems were so busy crashing their own party (vis a vis RFK, Jr., vs. dems speaking at the "hearings" for instance) they just keep digging themselves deeper into the hole of hate, which is all they know since biden entered office. There is major hate all over the country - - ESPECIALLY for democraps, do they not grasp this reality?? Apparently not They're too stupid to know or grasp any of that. It's just plain ignorant, as they all seem to be. As I've said before, we live in an entire nation of people who are too dumb to know how really STUPID they are. Those "hearings" proved that (i hope you watched them and if you did not, you should go online and see if you can find replays of what took place this morning. It will turn your stomach).
My Dad, a long time democrat, must be absolutely spinning in his grave.
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