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July 6, 2023 7:54 am  #1

It's the GENERAL election, stupid . . .

. . . not the primaries.  Starting the polling (which isn't always very accurate at best) 1 1/2 years before the actual election is just plain nutz.  We should at this point pay no attention to those polls.  When it comes time to vote, go to the polling booths and vote on ELECTION DAY AND NOT BEFORE.  Voting early has been touted but I still think it's a very bad idea.  That's how we lost the last election to dumbass biden because they were able to cheat (which they claim they didn't but we have actual videos of ballot boxes being stuffed, we have election workers carting around suitcases full of ballots trying to hide them because they were TRUMP ballots. 

How many times do we have to get poked in the ass with a pin before we take notice of the scams going on all around us?  Geez, republicans, wake the hell up and get with the program for God's sake.

I will tell you right now that most of the people (including me) who are registered as independents are registered that way because we do not want to be "identified" as either a dimwit dem or a Republican either one.  I vote independently, as well.  I vote for whoever I think is a good fit for the offices they're running for, not because of which party they belong to.  I thought that's how EVERYONE VOTED.  Do really all that many people vote a straight ticket on either side???  I don't think so.  In fact, I would bet that very few vote straight tickets - - ever.  Don't start now, just re-register ASAP as an Independent and be done with the hassle, that's my advice. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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