My Polka Dot Apron

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July 4, 2023 9:35 pm  #1


Some stoopidass was on tv this morning singing the praises of the WONDERFUL stuff joe biden has done for America since he's been in office.  Is this guy for real or is he a paid actor for the dimwit dem cause?  It's anyone's guess but if he is a real life dimwit dem has he actually been keeping track of joe's FAILURES?  From his WH appointees to his ghastly border policy to his Inflationary mess with food prices (eggs $12.75/doz. REALLY???), to the gas & oil nonsense we've had to put up with just because ol' joe thinks solar is better.  Right in my part of the country, we are sitting on a virtual goldmine of fossil fuels and they aren't being used, much to our (everyones) dismay.

But joe wants to utilize solar power?? I'm here to tell you that I have some little solar powered lights that are supposed to help light up my back deck at night.  They have really never worked simply because this area of the country DOES NOT GET ENOUGH SUNSHINE TO POWER THEM, so how the hell is solar energy going to work all the time????  It's not, but joe wouldn't know that because he's too busy spending lavish weekends (paid for by you and me) at Camp David or Rehobath (sp?) beach or one of his 4 homes - - anywhere but in the WH where he is supposed to be.  Positive proof we don't need the guy.

Which is also why he has about a 12% chance of success in MY STATE.  The jackass wouldn't let us have fireworks at Mt. Rushmore and we've had soooooo much rain that everything is just sparkling green and the soil is just soggy and wet, but yup no fireworks because that IDIOT said so.  Has he BEEN HERE???  HELL no.  He doesn't know anything except groping children and supporting his criminal son.  I am going to start sending my property tax bills and my gas bills and my electric bills and my grocery bills to ol' joe and see if he can spare the money to pay for them.  I'm sure he could, his pockets are lined with illegally gotten gains (pure, safe, gold so it seems) from hunter.
Yeah, now THAT'S a guy we really need in the WH.  GOOD LORD WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING?????

The more I think of it the more I'm positive that dood on TV this morning had to be a paid actor because NO ONE else in America is stupid enough to cheerlead for joe biden's presidency and his "successes".  I'll bet that guy on tv couldn't name even one success.  But he had his cheerleader uniform on, by God.  He obviously doesn't give two shits what happens to America, as it crumbles around us and neither does ol' joe and his crime family.  Along with the OBOZO manipulative crime family.

My other question?  Why are people suddenly talking as though they speak a different language?  I heard a commercial this morning with some girl in a fairy costume holding a magic wand and asking a married couple if they were having trouble booking the family "vacay".  She also had another one but I can't remember what it was.  Things are getting so stupid in all of America it makes you wonder WHY WE'RE CELEBRATING the 4th of July at all.  Our Founding Fathers/Brothers would be horrified.  The ADULTS IN THE ROOM are stooopid so what can we possibly expect of the adults??

Well, the dimwit dems can try to get us to believe anything they want but I know what I believe and that is we need PDJT back again in order to restore some semblence of normalcy.  There's just no other way.  DeSantis isn't gonna do it and neither are any of the other candidates on either side.  In fact, there are a few I'd be VERY CAREFUL of, if we were voting tomorrow and GOD how I wish we were.  Then this mess would be over, but we have 17 months to wait.

Sorry to rant but I'm just SOOOO upset this morning.  I miss my husband, I end up having to stay home all alone to celebrate the holiday - - it's just not been a good week for me.  And the national news certainly doesn't help one bit.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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