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June 24, 2023 2:09 am  #1

Dems need to stop pretending that biden is ok - - he's not

The dems are going to continue to try to convince you that what you see before your very eyes is not happening.  They actually want to try to put biden and Trump in the same mental category?  Are they CRAZY??  The answer is yes they are.  We need to iimpeach ol' joe and get him our of our way.  He's stopping or slowing progress all over the nation for REAL Americans.

Not to mention the fact that "the big guy" is a crook and he has a crook for a son.  His wife is no pearl either, she just wanted the power and money that went with the oval office because she's as big a leach as the rest of the biden family so she fit right in with that bunch.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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