My Polka Dot Apron

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June 20, 2023 10:29 pm  #1

Have all the repubs turned into donkeys? *Assholes???

The symbol of the democrap party is very fitting - - especially right now.  Yee haw, Yee haw.  If you've ever HEARD a donkey or a mule, you know that's exactly how they sound.  And they look like Adam Schiff !!!   We have all known for decades that Schiffty is a LIAR, and a CHEAT and a THIEF, so he fits right in with the biden clan, et al.

If all the damned repubs continue to run scared, we're gonna get nowhere with the 2024 election and we'll be stuck with 4 more years of democrap NONSENSE, where they get away with every crime in the book and the republicans pay for it - FOREVER.  This is not a joke, we need to stop this from happening.  Any ideas???  I'd love to hear them and pass them on to those "in the know".

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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