My Polka Dot Apron

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June 8, 2023 7:08 am  #1

They want us to use "dirty" electricity & I refuse - - flatly

They've been lying to us since the beginning of the Clinton Administration.  LOOOOOONG TIME.
Now this asinine "administration" is telling us we can't use:

Light bulbs
Gas stoves
Gas furnaces
Air conditioning
(I looked all over the internet but could not find a complete list of all the "executive actions" he's taken since being "installed as our mannequin in charge". Go figure.)  Are THEY trying to hide all the damage he's done so far?  That would be my guess.

Nothing that uses fuel, except that EVERYTHING USES FUEL. In one way or another you (and they) hafta admit it at some point.  So far, not yet.

My God they are the supreme dumbasses of the world.  They do not relate to real life because they've never LIVED real life.  They've been pampered and powdered since their early teens or maybe even before that, and now they refuse to GROW UP.  It's so obvious.

If they want ME to use all this crap, ol' dumbass joe will hafta buy it for me out of his POCKET CHANGE.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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