My Polka Dot Apron

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May 15, 2023 1:00 am  #1

How did we get here??

We got here because we were all being stupid and not paying attention.

Not enough people were aware of the goodness of a Trump administration.  We were misled by the devilish democraps, to believe their lies.  Now we find ourselves in an untenable position for many years to come.  Thank you dumbass joe.  You will NOT be remembered as one of the "great presidents".  Sorry pal, you blew that, and your criminal family helped.  But he'll deny it, sweep it under the rug and expect us to pay for all of his weird ideas.  Social security will be a thing of the past sooner than they said.  For God's sake I hope not.  Can it be 2024 now? 

Every month I open my bank statement and hope my ss check is there.  One of these months it won't be and then what?  I and my deceased husband worked hard all of our lives for that little pittance of money and now it's gonna go away.  biden is a joke and a criminal and a LIAR.  He has done nothing for this country but he's all too willing to help any nutcase "organization" who comes along asking for funding.  Do you think he's taking that money out of his own pocket?  Ha.  Yeah, sure.  Hell he and jill are still both getting THEIR social security checks each month and always will.  What's happening in the USA today is stunningly stupid, started by bush and then obozo carried the water bucket until ol' joe came along to carry it for him all the while breaking the laws of our country by taking money from china and others.  "the big guy" is a LIAR.  Get used to hearing it.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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