Yes I do. I agree that FDR was a madman. He was well protected from his "public" but he was a nasty, nasty guy - - all too similar to biden. biden needs to take that damned picture of FDR down (in fact all the photos of FDR in the white house, for that matter). Continuing to let people think he was some grand president is just wrong. He was horrible in multiple ways. He paid for it with his medical problems, too, and that's ok. People gotta pay, one way or another!
But I do agree, probably for the first and last time, with biden on this one. FDR was a creep,just like biden.
FDR had VERY CLOSE TIES TO STALIN back in the days of the furnaces, etc. He was a strange dood.
You gotta read the book I've been promoting here for years. It's called The Roosevelt Myth written by John T. Flynn.
"He (FLYNN) opposed the New Deal right from the start. Flynn was an old-style liberal, with a principled belief in limited gubmint, a free market and avoiding foreign entanglements. While his fellow liberals lined up behind Roosevelt's vast expansion of gubmint and his desperate maneuvering to get us into war as the only solution to getting us out of the Depression, Flynn stood fast in his principles and got himself hated in the process. (sound familiar??). Roosevelt personally tried to have Flynn blacklisted (again, familiar?). Roosevelt instead INVITED war.
The book is a look at FDR's blundering attempts to tame the Depression, and to manage the war he had invited. It is a well documented and scathing indictment of ill-thought out policies and grasping politicians who gained so much, including a reputation for probity, wisdom and leadership, while a nation suffered through a depression and war (that will be next for us, you KNOW it will, the monetary depression has already started, and so has the illness of depression, for many people, thank you dumbass joe biden the skunk).
This book is a dispassionate account from one who clearly saw the political and economic structure of his country twisted into a hideous caricature of the regimes it fought, and of a nation sold into servitude, and then sold the myth they were free!"
Boy does THAT sound familiar! (?) You really gotta order this book and read it. I think biden is taking a page right out of FDR's horrid book of ideas. God help us all.
(The book I have is the 50th Anniversary Edition, has a mint green jacket over the hard cover book), and shows FDR (in caricature) talking on the phone, while smoking a cigarette in a holder, with (Joseph) Stalin and he says "I'm glad you dug up your constitution, Joe; I can't find ours". I think I ordered mine from Alibris books online.
See what I mean when i call him a jackass? We have that very same JACKASS back in the WH right this very minute. Not trying to HELP America, trying to destroy it. Unbelievable.
I found the book at Thriftbooks, actually, for about $10 bucks. Here's the link. It's the second one on the page (at the top) with the mint green cover.
There are some great books there, also, about Eleanor Roosevelt. She was a very interesting lady . . .
All of this stuff about biden still begs the question: if biden was so opposed to blacks (and he IS against them, whether he ever shows it again or not, that's on record, folks) why did he agree to become obozo's VP? We all know why that happened, because it was an advantageous move for the biden family to start "trading" overseas.
And what were Americans thinking by electing the obozodork with the middle name of Hussein?? We really should have looked into all of that HISTORY more closely, and now we pay for it because we didn't. We can NEVER let that happen again. NEVER.
Republicans are too lackadaisical. We were FAAAARR too trusting of this country and it's politicians. I'll bet THAT won't happen again for a loooooooobg time.