All of a sudden everyone is gay or somehow perverted by showing their privates at times when they KNOW someone is/will be watching. These people are generally democraps, and are just WAITING to be caught doing this sort of thing. Thus my question: are they ALL perverts and liars and thieves and criminals???? Well, that DOES seem to fit Joe Biden's resumé even more than it fits obozo's. And we KNOW he was a pervert in many ways, but mostly he was just a "practiced liar".
I don't usually ask such direct questions but this has been happening quite often, especially in THIS administration, who seems to feel girls can be boys and vice versa. It's just sick. Is there nothing left anymore to privacy or keeping quiet or personal imagination? Does EVERYTHING have to be "exposed" just because it's in someone's mind? If someone wants to change sexes that is fine by me as long as they aren't being FORCED to do it, but some of this crap is really getting out of hand. This shouldn't have a damned thing to do with politics anyway, but it always seems to end up where it starts . . . !
And why did the guy have to be labeled "anti-Trump"? Couldn't they have said "a supporter of Joe Biden was caught with his pants down and his hoo-haa out?" Why was Trump's name mentioned at all?? The dems are desperate right now in many areas and it's only going to get worse - the Trump bashing, and the glorifying of creeps and dolts like Buttigieg. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP. Can't they just give it a rest??