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January 7, 2023 9:58 pm  #1

Broken, bent and bitter

Wow.  Ol' joe is starting to sound more and more like COMMALA when he gives a speech. Pure nonsense words that mean nothing at all.  They don't even make sense.

No one can understand what the hell he's talking about because it makes ZERO sense.  There is no point to any of it because he HAS no point to make.  He has screwed up the USA since the day he took office and now he's just making things worse all the time.  To tell you the truth, I'm truly afraid NO ONE is going to be able to fix the messes
he's made in 2 short years.  Actually they are LOOOOONG years, felt like decades passed during his first year and felt like centuries passed in his second year.  Only the dimwit dems would WANT to pass a 1.7 TRILLION dollar bill in the middle of the night (1:23 a.m. to be exact) without giving anyone else in the House or Senate time to read a 4,000 ish page "bill".  

It was a bill, all right.  A bill even my grandchildren's grandchildren won't be able to pay off.  The USA is so far into debt hole we'll never get out, certainly not with dignity.  We'll have to prostitute the entire USA to get this taken care of, and actually biden has already done that.  He's ruined the USA and propped up our enemies, which was his intent all the time.  I always felt he was a crooked bastard but now I know it for a fact.

If you could make heads or tails out of what he was saying or what he meant in those garbled words, please let us know on this forum.  More good reading at the link below (which I placed elsewhere on his forum yesterday).

At least, as much as I didin't really want him in office, McCarthy is a republican.  Now if he only DOES what he says he wants to do *they all make empty promises, right?  That might put America back on the right track but it will still take decades and decades to repair the damage dome by this "administration" in 2 short years.  Many people doubt that McCarthy will do ANYTHING he claims he'll do, but only time will tell about that.  He knows America is watching so maybe he'll straighten out and fly right, who knows.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

January 7, 2023 10:33 pm  #2

Re: Broken, bent and bitter

And now there's this:

He's well known for being a liar but this is just beyond the pale.  He's only demonstrating what a stupid ass he really is.  Whoever films these things needs to stop cutting off the end which is usually the best and most telling part of any statement.  I don't watch many things on video and this is the reason why.  I've complained about it NUMEROUS times over the years.  Taking video shots of something isn't helpful if you aren't going to get ALL of it (the action, so to speak).   Grrrrrrr. 

How does such a well known liar end up in the highest office in the land of the USA?  He cheats, that's how he did it and everyone knows it.  The dems are just good at covering up their mistakes, faults and lies because they've had a LOT of practice over the years. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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