I've read a couple of articles about this subject in past few days and I can see nothing "new" about any of this.
There is absolutely no indication of what the man looked like, so why on earth would they think the face on this cane is his?
It's mind-boggling how they make something out of nothing, when they have SO MUCH MORE work to do with what's happening currently around the world without worrying about cases that are over 130 years old.
"biden's buffoon" boobs can't solve the border crisis (because they don't WANT to, spoiled brats looking for "fame") so what confidence can we have in them about anything as serious as a murder spree? We've got an active murder case going on IN THIS COUNTRY since mid-November and still not one single clue about the college kids killed in Moscow, ID. Hell the killer could be hiding up in a tree watching everything going on and the police/investigators would never know it since they are not really looking AROUND, they're too busy looking down. Besides they botched it from the beginning by letting people walk all over the only evidence they may have had, or been able to gather any answers from, such as footprints, shoeprints, etc.
They made a mess of it all and so did the Jack the Ripper "investigators". The only REAL clue they had was the fact that each woman was supposedly a "lady of the night". Even that seems far-fetched.
Sometimes I wonder exactly what the public considers NEWS these days. We have people in our very own CONgress lying right to our faces and we just seem to shrug our shoulders and let it go. I sincerely don't understand behavior like that, do you? It's not a mystery whey this country is in trouble from various angles.