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November 20, 2022 11:58 pm  #1

More black duffle bags?

When is America ever going to learn?  With all the skullduggery we saw in the 2019 elections how could we NOT suspect something like this was going to happen again?  But why AZ??  Many other states did the same thing, you can be sure of it.  This is what we get when we have a democrap in the White House, especially one who has absolutely no integrity and never did.

His whole family is made up of criminals, but mr. touchy-feely is the worst and then pot head hunter hasn't helped their blackened reputation one bit.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

November 21, 2022 12:01 am  #2

Re: More black duffle bags?

And you don't EVER elect someone who's already holding a state position to be the gubner!  The gal they "elected" was also the Secy of State = = just how crooked do they have to get before it starts raising red flags??

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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November 22, 2022 10:06 pm  #3

Re: More black duffle bags?

And we (the American public) are all stupid enough to believe that the 2024 election isn't going to be tampered with?  OH PUHLEEZE.

Take names and numbers, it won't do a bit of good and it won't change a thing.

And now we're (taxpayers) footing the bill for a whole bunch of Republicans to go to the border to look around at the immigration "problem" and they are claiming they're going to "fix" the problem?  Oh puhleeze again.  They can't get a damned thing done with any of this until and unless we put Trump or DeSantis in the presidential chair.  Not. Gonna. Happen without one of the two of them.  The dimwit democraps simply do not care about the "crisis"  because they don't believe it's a crisis (but they refuse to go there and look at what's happening, either).  They feel it's democrap voters who will support them.  Bad news for them, though, a lot of those immigrants, illegal or otherwise, are NOT VOTING FOR DIMWITS.  Whaddaya think about that? 

AND = = do we actually believe anything at all is going to come of this "new discovery" concerning the laptops etc., of hunter biden??  The whole story will be buried again.  Biden simply cannot tell the truth about anything, he even lied in the pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey celebration, telling people Delaware raises more turkeys and chickens than any other state!  WHAT????   joe needs to go home and lay down and rest what's left of his brain.  And hunter should be in jail while we're all waiting for him to appear in court.  Raise your hand if you think THAT'S ever really going to happen.  Did it happen to Hagzilla Clanton and her busting up blackberries and using Bleach Bit (I didn't think she or anyone around her was smart enough to know anything about bleach bit!)  She still has never had to pay a price for her botched actions in Benghazi which cost countless lives because we really have no idea who all died in that hot mess over there.  Always bodies are coming to the top of the pond but the Clanton's never have to pay a price.  Why is that?  No, really, why is that??

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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