My Polka Dot Apron

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September 29, 2022 8:44 pm  #1


I've been away from the computer for a few days, but I'll be back full time again in a week or so.  I hurt my back something awful and it's taking a long time to heal.  Sitting upright is not comfortable for me at all, so sitting in a desk chair is not what I intend to do for a while.  Just wanted anyone who reads here to know that I haven't disappeared entirely.  I'll still be around, rattling my chains in just a short while.  So hang in there and keep reading here whenever you want.  Go through some of my old stuff, you may find it interesting!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

October 15, 2022 10:28 pm  #2

Re: Helloooo!!

Still laid up with my back injury.  I guess when you get older it takes a LOT longer to heal !  But I'll be back at some point, never fear !  Spending a lot of time in bed and when I am up and around I just walk up and down the hallway to keep my lungs functioning and my breathing normal.  Pretty soon I hope to be able to go up and down my front steps once again.  Right now I'm kinda housebound and I HATE that.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
     Thread Starter

October 20, 2022 8:14 pm  #3

Re: Helloooo!!

There's really been nothing to post here at this board for weeks now because biden the criminal stays on the same subject (abortion) constantly even though it's the least of most people's priorities right now.  Instead he should be stopping border crossings, fentanyl and criticizing the police and claiming there is no inflation.  You can tell the man is not living in the real world.  Same shit, different day all week long, week after week.  Boy, I can't wait for the mid-term elections to come and go so we can stop hearing him brag about what a great guy he is and what a wonderful son hunter is (another criminal from the same crime family).  They've long surpassed the bush crime family!

My back is still hurting terribly and I have to try to make it to  my massage lady on Halloween day.  She'll fix me right up!  Just pray for me that I can get in and out of my car to drive to her place of business as she doesn't do housecalls.  Will keep in touch about my back ASAP.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
     Thread Starter

October 28, 2022 8:06 pm  #4

Re: Helloooo!!

I do not believe in "early voting".  Vote only on election day, and with biden in charge even THAT may not be all that safe.  After I'm done voting this year, I'm going to stay around and watch the poll workers just to see what really goes on.  I trust the people here but someone needs to watch things after what we went through in 2019. 

When the "candidates" (for whatever reason) spend the entire campaign in the basement you KNOW you hafta watch everything after that especially if the basement dweller wins.  Between biden and fetterman doing just that, they both won their races and now look where we are.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
     Thread Starter

November 4, 2022 7:32 pm  #5

Re: Helloooo!!

My back massage went very well and I can actually move now.  I can also sit in a chair upright, much longer than I could before.  I hafta go back for 1 more massage just to make sure things are staying good and that's fine with me I love my massages!  Very helpful, in my case, much moreso than a chiropractor would have been.

So keep reading and I'll keep you updated on how I'm doing.  Still moving slowly but just don't want to take the chance of re-injuring myself.  I can make it to the mailbox now and everything!  YAY!!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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