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I had a totally opposite experience when I had my babies in the 70's and 80's.
They did APGAR testing, my first child (a girl born backwards and upside down - breech and transverse) was jaundiced just a little (the nurses thought my breastmilk was probably too rich for her little liver) so they did put her under the bili lights for a few hours each day for 4 days, and then I had to leave her there for an extra 4 days. We lived in a town 100 miles away and even though my husband and I went home, I couldn't wait to go back to get her. (I had to use one of those old-fashioned breast pumps in the interim and that, let me tell you, was quite an experience)!
She did just fine after that, ate like a trooper, gained weight like crazy, fat chubby baby the way they're SUPPOSED TO BE, and my hometown doctor always told me she was doing fine and so was I. He said that she likely was a bit jaundiced at birth, but that keeping her the extra 4 days was probably not necessary since we had a hospital in my hometown that was perfectly capable of putting our baby girl under their bili lights (bilirubin) if that was necessary. I think my local doctor did make a call to the birthing hospital (where I had to go because I have a rare blood type and they needed to know there would be enough blood on hand if they should need it, and also if the baby had the same rare blood type, which she doesn't), and question a few things, but otherwise I kinda ignored the whole thing.
Funny thing is, we never got a bill for that part of the hospital's "acitivities". Only for my 4 days of using a maternity room. I guess they could have wheeled me outside! Back then those 4 days for both of us to be in the hospital was less than $1,000.00 which we paid at the front desk in cash before we ever left, and they told us they would bill us for the baby's extra days there. As I said, we never did get a bill. No one ever mentioned a thing about insurance paying for the birth.
Our 2 boys were both born at the local hospital in our hometown and both of their births were well under $1,000.00.
The drug companies today are so greedy and dishonorable. They are like barefooted squirrel hunters who just run around and shoot drugs at everyone for any reason, they don't even know anything about their own drugs. It's sad. I'd hate to be a drug rep going around to the clinics these days. Even the doctors aren't buying into all this crap. They think people are dumb, though, so they'll try like they did with Candace. But you MUST stand your ground and never take anything you don't think you want to take or need to take. Find a holistic doctor if nothing else. At least they don't FORCE their patients to DO anything they don't want.
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