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This is horrible. And then there's this little bump in the road: "A number of people either knew Foster was abusing his cheer students and ignored it or did not have rules and procedures in place to stop the abuse, the lawsuit says." Cheer students?? These were CHEERLEADERS. That's always been the word and still is.
Rules and procedures?? Here's the "rules and procedures" where I come from. If someone knew he was abusing these students and did nothing, I would have gotten all these people into one room and brought with me a big stick and started clubbing them all over the head and anywhere else I could get at them. In their groin, in the face, behind the knees.....you don't mess with this kind of stuff if you actually KNOW about it, for God's sake. YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Thankfully, the dumb bastard already took his own life, because he would have spent years if not a lifetime behind bars (then again, under this current "administration" these people seem to get by with anything and everything, no consequences involved, out of jail the next day) and other inmates don't cotton to child sex abusers, too well. They would have given him a taste of his own medicine, most likely. And he would have deserved everything he got. He took the coward's way out, which is typical for these types of people.
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