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September 2, 2022 12:37 am  #1

weather: misinfo by the left on C. Change dwarfs misinfo on covid

These people are PROFESSIONAL LIARS.  Just watch how they do all this with a straight face.  It's absurd!  If there's so much belief in climate change, why did obozo buy a house on the shore in both Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard?  He also, I'm told, bought property in California, but I don't know where or if it's by the seaside.  But the rest of us are supposed to believe in global warming and melting icecaps, yada yada??  What foolishness.  We've been peddled more foolishness in the past 16 years by Obozo and his gang than any people I can think of, besides maybe the legislators and senators who also peddled his crap with a straight face.  And obozo is part of a GANG, make no mistake.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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