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August 30, 2022 1:25 am  #1

biden's biggest, bestest blunders (so far but we've got a ways to go)

He could make many more stupidass mistakes before he either croaks or leaves office whether willingly or kicking and screaming.  Every list I've seen is a bit different, so I'll post a couple of links.  Most of what I could find are OLD lists, from back in either 2020 or 2021.  Apparently either the writers can't keep up with all of his misdeeds or they've decided it's not worth it to write about anymore, because everyone knows about our moron in chief. We've come to expect this kind of lunacy on a daily, almost hourly basis.  Except when the numbskull is on vacation (which, lately, is most of the time, at EVERYONE'S expense but his own).

The below link includes just the first 7 months of his "reign". It's compelling to read the article, as well as listen to the vid.

This one is already 14 months old (why isn't anyone keeping track, or a list, currently?  Too many to count??!

This one (below) is REALLY good.  And it only encompasses the first 100 days!

Here, he's skipping farther to the left and making multiple blunders at the same time, pushing America closer to the nearest cliff all the time.  How much longer before we actually fall off that cliff?

The above list is written by a democrap rag and a democrap writer, so you can skip the intro if you wish.  He's clearly not on board with Trump, which is fine.  He should go soak his head and then try listening to reason, IMPHO.

Lordy, I could have gone on and on and on making this list.  There are thousands upon thousands of articles out there about what a foolish, self-aggrandizing man he is.  He's his biggest fan!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

August 30, 2022 2:37 am  #2

Re: biden's biggest, bestest blunders (so far but we've got a ways to go)

Then the dumbass goes on nat'l tv (apparently unscripted) and calls the American voters 'semi-fascists'. 

Why not just call us 'fascists'?  Why include the word "semi"??  I mean hey, we either are or we aren't.  This is the kind of stuff biden does when his "handlers" are not nearby.  He goes off the rails and sometimes <gasp> he even accidently tells the truth.  Like what the article at the link below tells us:

"The fantastical storytelling bears no resemblance to reality, of course, but that never gets in the way of" (MINE: the rest of this line is mine) ol' joe's lies and accusations.


"So, why did Joe Biden say, during a rally Thursday, that Democrats have a plan to make sure no one ever steals an election “again”?  Well, that’s interesting. I wonder which election he was talking about because everyone on the left has insisted that our elections are the most secure in history… well, you know, except for the ones they lose."

HAVE THERE been stolen elections in the past which were not challenged?  IDK, but my guess would be yes. And there will be more if we (repubs) don't get back in the driver's seat.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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