. . . one year after we were all fooled into believing in covid and the ridiculous vaccine scam. NOT ME, MAN. I don't take shots I don't believe in! No one should and no one should have done so EVER. Those shots killed and maimed more people than they ever helped, as if they could actually help anyone, and you can believe it or not that what joe biden took on camera was NOT A COVID SHOT. At least not the real thing. It was probably water and it probably wasn't even a REAL shot.
People were misled by the phRMa companies, the gubmint of the USA, and their own doctors. There are many people to blame here. We was lied to, folks! We have been lied to about many things since the takeover by the biden "administration". They cannot stop hating on Trump so they're punishing everyone! This tactic is not new, it's been around for a long time, distinctly under Woodrow Wilson's reign of terror. Now we've updated that with joe biden's reign of terror and lies.