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May 20, 2022 5:38 am  #1

Domestic terrorism

Ron Klain wants every person in America who doesn't agree with EVERYTHING being done by this administration to be labeled as a "domestic terrorist".  Exactly what does 'domestic terrorist' mean?  And who DECIDED what it means?  And who decided that it's the new buzzword, besides Ron Klain?

Hey your guess is as good as mine, but they use it tirelessly, day in and day out, hour after hour.  I'd be willing to bet dumbass Klain couldn't even begin to tell you his made up meaning to a made up phrase.  He is the height of stupidity and he has tons of dimwit dem company.

The other gripe I have right now is I truly believe the dimwit dems have secret meanings for some words and phrases, and only they are aware of what the conversations would sound like if the correct words or phrases were being used.  Things such as "new normal", "mental illness", "pandemic", "Patriot Act", "green new deal", and hundreds more.  I truly believe those things don't mean what we THINK they mean.  And this is not new and is not, sadly, solely a dem issue.  Dimwits like GWB, for example.

I also truly believe this more or less was used as double-speak constantly when Henry Kissinger was in politics.  He's a real bastardo.  I have a severe, SEVERE, dislike of the man, always have had.  He's a turncoat lying freak.  And we still have lots of THOSE, too.  All stripes and colors and heights and widths . . .

Actually, this is sounding more like Orwellian stuff, and I have no doubt that Klain is probably a fan of that type of thinking.  Brave New World'ish, too.  Animal Farm, 1981 - the whole batch of playbooks they're using, because after thinking it over, I don't think Klain et al are smart enough to actually come up with this as their master key.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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