Yes sir, how many times did DJT have to try to explain to America about the complete criminality of the entire biden family? He tried, but of course, he was right so the dimwit dems had to steer the conversation in a totally different direction, thus creating the scenario that it was actually Trump who was a criminal? OMG, and so many politicians did and still are falling for this nonsense.
What isn't nonsense is the biden crime family, on par with the bush crime family or worse.
I've said it before, I ordered the book about hunters criminality in foreign countries, and also about his insane sexual activities but I had to read it a little at a time. It was absolutely stomach-turning. That entire family is OBSESSED with sex. Just do a quick look-see into ol' joe's ugly past in that regard. I'll bet if we look hard enough we can find stuff on jill biden, as well. Otherwise, why would she hang around.
They are friends with the Clinton/Clanton gang, if that helps explain some of the raw sewage associated with the whole bunch of democraps for many, many years. All the way back to FDR. And probably a lot further but I didn't go any farther in my research. Disgusting.