I simply don't understand this BLM movement. The black's are more accepted and included in America now than they ever have been in the past 250 years. We've had a black president, even.
And yet, BLM is destroying the very cities they claim to love. They want to be included in society and yet this is how they think they must act in order to BE included???
I just don't get it. How is destroying America going to help the black people accomplish anything for their people or for any of us, for that matter?
It's not.
And the sooner we realize it and put a stop to all this nonsense, the better off we'll all be - - including the blacks. There is an inherent difference in the color of white skin and black skin, there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about that (although Michael Jackson tried . . . ). Until the black people learn to accept that fact, they're going to continue to show their stupidity. That's right. Stupidity. What they are doing is tearing things apart and how is that going to help? I WANT ANSWERS.
Ok, off my soapbox now . . .