Why would the gubmint be involved in OUR healthcare in the first place? We do not need gubmint telling us what to do, but here they are doing just that.
And WHY would they use our tax dollars for something so sinister that they have to talk people into having those ridiculous shot(s)?? The gubmint had to spend our money to "strengthen vaccine confidence"??? WTH?
No sir, something is rotten in Denmark, as they say.
And there sure as hell is/was something rotten. It's our current politicians. No doubt about it.
"The Biden administration paid nearly the entire corporate media, including so-called “conservative” media outlets, with taxpayer dollars to engage in a massive campaign to push only positive coverage about COVID shots while censoring any negative information, without disclosing it to their audiences. This is a serious breach of journalistic ethics. Congress appropriated $1 billion in fiscal year 2021 for the secretary of health to spend on activities to “strengthen vaccine confidence in the United States.” "
Above quote taken from this link:
We are ruled by liars. They lie to us about EVERYTHING, as you can well tell over the past year with dumbass ol' joe empty head in office, and his buddies piglosi and COMMALA to help him stumble his way through. I cannot believe these people actually needed biden to carry out their plans, but he at least got into office (by cheating, of course) and now they're at the helm. Makes me sick to my stomach to think about it. Thank God November of 2022 isn't too far away and we can start making changes, if it isn't too late by that time. Putin may blow us all to hell by then - - and again, thank you dumbass ol' joe. Your entire party has steered this country right into the ditch in record time. I hope they bomb your bunkers, every stinkin' lyin' fool who has had anything to do with this mess created in the past 15 months.
What's really odd is how the political dimwits thought American's wouldn't see what truly happened to us during covid crap, when all of a sudden the masking and other stuff was lifted juuuuuust before the SOTU address. That is just too insane to be funny.
**** Yes, as I've said before, all of those newscasters on FOX were just as dumb as the bought and paid for media jerks at CNN, MSNBC, et al. Sean Hannity, for instance, never FAILED to mention how he'd gotten all his shots and how he thought we all should but that he was just throwing that out there for thought. My ass. He was being paid to promote vaxxzine and I'll never believe anything else. He's just another stooge. Tucker is the only one worth listening to. I cannot stand Hannity or Laura Ingraham because all they do is interrupt their guests. Why they even bother to HAVE guests is beyond me. They should just have their little one-man show and spout their own opinions and be done with it. Laura is particularly irritating that way. I was a fan at one time, but over the course of the last few months, I just can't stand her anymore. She's really quite pompous.
Last edited by Debrah (March 10, 2022 10:53 pm)