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February 28, 2022 2:57 am  #1

Is it all propaganda? A hoax to hide the REAL purpose of the USA?

Sundance makes a good case for it to be just exactly that.

". . . the Russia -vs- Ukraine crisis is cover for the outcomes of Joe Biden’s energy policy, so that American voters do not attach $10/gal gasoline to his climate change agenda, and instead apportion the blame to Russia and Vladimir Putin."

And, of course, to Trump.  Can't leave him out of this, can they?  Heh . . .

According to the dimwit dems, Trump is to blame for every bad decision ol' dumbass joe has made.  Yessirreee, it's all Trump's fault because no democrap would do anything like that - - right?  My God.  What planet do some of these people come from, anyway?


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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