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February 6, 2022 4:22 am  #1

Is the destruction of the USA intentional?

Of course.

And, imagine this, the President of/from El Salvador is asking this question??!!  El Salvador is one of the countries from which people are fleeing in massive numbers, right?  The worst part of it is, those people are all coming HERE (to the USA).  What are WE supposed to do with them, in our currently crumbling country?

If he's so "level headed" why isn't he "fixing" his own country and keeping his people there?  Hmmmmm . . . guess you'd hafta ask him about that one.  Guess he only wants to get rid of the criminal element, so now they end up here in the USA - - gee thanks.

In fact, we need to ask ALL COUNTRIES why their people are flocking here to the USA, if their own countries are so wonderful?  More pondering needs to take place on that question.  (They are coming here to destroy us, just like ol' joe and Nazi Nannzy ASKED/PAID them to do when they opened the borders and let them all in).  Hence, the title of this article.

Thanks to our current democrap leaders, we have no police protections to speak of, the dimwit dems want to take guns away from civilians but it's ok for the criminals to have them.  The dimwit dems keep forgetting there are numerous ways to kill other people (if that's the intended goal) which have nothing at all to do with guns - - like knives, cars, pushing people onto train tracks, spiking drugs so they are lethal to human bodies - - and there are many other ways.  Are they on a mission to outlaw everything?  You bet they are . . .

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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