And guess who that would be?
YES. Getting sick is the same thing as being NATURALLY fully vaccinated - - or, to put it another way, you've become fully vaccinated NATURALLY. Or yet another way to say it: NATURE vaccinated you.
Omicron did us the biggest favor ever. In this world gone mad with covid ideas (useless though they were) the simple philosophy I've been hounding people about for over a year already (before omicron) is really - and still - the right answer to the big question. Just GET the disease (whatever variant) and that builds your immunity naturally. What in the hell could be simpler?
But the dems are not going to let this happen. They have waaaaay too much at stake to let this thing go. The dimwit dems have used the pandemic thing to death already, but that's not gonna stop Nazi Nannnzy or any of the rest of them from carrying on about COVID.
They need to carry the torch for an illness because it's the only platform they've got. Startling but true. They HAVE nothing else. ZERO. Which also just about sums up their total IQ. Heh.
Sure, some people will die; in any swath of illness, people die. But never before have we seen a disease being used and abused to the extent of this one. This thing was their political football. But they got greedy and misused it - - by calling everything that was wrong with people COVID. So, for example, my husband passed away in the spring of 2021 from a heart attack. If the hospital had had it's way, they would have labeled his death as covid, but I contacted the mortuary and they went immediately to bat for me and dispelled the local ER of that mindless diagnosis in record time. Thank God there are still some honest people left in the world.
We can thank the NCAA for their role in trying to dispel some of the notions still floating around. Hopefully their voices will be louder than the criminal voices.........