There are several MAJOR drug-related scandals (mostly legal drugs, like Vioxx) but once they are shuffled off to the back pages of the newspapers and other publications, no one ever hears about them anymore. That's a shame. These scandals should be kept front and center, especially now. Vaxxzines that kill more people than they help (no matter what you hear from the White House, they are not doctors) should be jerked from use, not contemplated for required mandatory use amongst the population.
Do you honestly believe that all those jerks in the White House, et al, actually took the same shot they want YOU and yours to take? Ha, get real, pal.
There are so many side effects from these vaxx's it's hard to know where to begin to list them. Besides, every single person on the face of this good earth is different and will react differently to manufactured crap put into their bodies "for our own protection". Yeah, right. It's for the protection of their pocketbooks and don't you forget it.