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January 11, 2022 2:45 am  #1

THIS is why you NEVER follow a gubmint edict

Never.  Use your own head, do your own research, and reach your own conclusions.

I just got over 10 days of Omicron and the worst thing I had was a runny nose and I was more tired than usual.  Bada bing - - that's it.  Hell, I've had the flu that caused me waaaaaaay more problems than that over the years.  So don't be buffaloed into believing a bunch of political bullshit about this stuff. 

If you've been following things AT ALL (providing you don't live under a rock) you already know the vaxxzines are causing more trouble than the illness.  That's why I've actively been fighting against people taking those stupid shots and boosters (good grief you'd have to be a complete moron).  Your body, no matter how weak, is still prepared with the fight or flight mechanism.  It will, naturally, fight off almost anything nature hands to us.  That's just a damned fact, always has been.  Don't let some geeky doctor talk you into a vaxxzine or any kind and certainly if you already have done that, don't take any more of them.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

January 11, 2022 2:48 am  #2

Re: THIS is why you NEVER follow a gubmint edict

Let the lemming dimwit democraps take your shot for you.  It's the nicest thing you can do for them because maybe they'll drop dead and save us the problem of what to do with them later on when they're meddling in the next aspect of your life they think they should control.

They can have all the shots I was "supposed" to get - - i love to share! 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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