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December 24, 2021 9:59 pm  #1

PCR testing is a joke - don't bother with them

PEOPLE SIMPLY HAVE TO WISE UP AND FAST.  I don't understand why the majority continue to believe in falsehoods.

Why would we want a bunch of tests that don't even work?  This has been known for months, but NO ONE (other than Tucker Carlson) has bothered to report on it. 

These PCR tests are a SICK joke.  You can have the test, walk out the door of the testing center and visit with someone just outside the building, and pick up THE FLU (which is exactly what all of this nonsense is about).  It's about annual colds and flu bugs, nothing more. You can pick up those germs anywhere, anytime, from anyone.  That's just a fact.  So how in the hell is "testing" or "vaccinating" gonna help anyone?  It won't, but it's all this stupid administration has to work with right now, so it's their JOB to make you believe in something that's false - - and they're doing this with many things, not just the vaccine nonsense.

There is a difference between a vaccination that doesn't work for more than 3 weeks and becoming immune NATURALLY.  The gubmint has so mangled these terms, most people do not realize what either of them truly mean - - and don't bother to go to a dictionary or any other "ONLINE" source for information because this administration has already set to work bastardizing the meanings of words even in publically used dictionaries.  It's appalling. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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