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December 17, 2021 8:43 am  #1

Tv drug ads are so stupid

I wish these dumbasses would realize that telling people a litany of side effects is NOT GOING TO MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER ABOUT TAKING THOSE STUPID DRUGS.

This is one of the reasons I never understood people who want to mess around with illegal, illicit drugs.  WHY would anyone want to take chances like that?  I don't understand how the possibility of killing yourself could possibly be "exciting".  You'd have to be sick or crazy to want to subject yourself to such nonsense. It's bad enough taking drugs prescribed by a doctor, much less goofing around with stuff you KNOW is bad. 

I guess I just never was a "risk-taker".  I had enough ways to die (on the ranch/farm) without taking extraordinary chances. 

Sometimes you wonder if people just have too f'ing much time on their hands or what the hell IS the problem??

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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