Very few, and they have a reason for works for them but not for the public. That was the goal of this covid nonsense from the very beginning. Mismanagement by the GUBMINT was the biggest factor in making things worse. WHY would anyone take medical advice from the gubmint and why would the gubmint be giving medical advice, when they are not in the medical field? These are gubmint goons/groups, but they are not the arbiters of medical knowledge (and that includes Fauxchee the lying bastard).
The American public figured out some time ago that they were being lied to on a grand scale, but somehow the gubmint goons are STILL in charge of our medical status. How does THAT work? Why are we letting them get away with this nonsense? Many people are finally waking up from a long slumber and figuring out that we've been lied to, and they don't like it very much - - especially where there children are concerned.
I think people finally started waking up and becoming suspicious when Fauxchee kept changing the guidelines and moving the goal posts. When crap like that happens, it puts up red flags all over the place and that's when people finally started to notice. He would say one thing in March and then in July he'd say the complete opposite of what he first said, and so on. Every other month or so, the posts have moved.
It's time to find out the real truth and get as many people as possible to believe the truth. They have to know how to read and evaluate what they've read, however, before any of the truth findings will matter. In America, that ain't gonna be an easy task because Americans are lazy, particularly about learning. They'd rather be told what to do with their own bodies and their own health, for God's sake. It's truly unbelievable that it took nearly 2 years for people to wake up and come to their senses regarding this covid hoax. We still have SEASONAL FLU, but we never had a covid disease or disaster, and we still don't have. The rest of the fools who won't believe truth, will someday pay a high price for their ignorance and stupidity and there's your goal from the dimwit dems.
Put it all together by reading the above link.
Also read this: