My Polka Dot Apron

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December 12, 2021 1:14 am  #1

Is the Great Reset idea almost dead?

Lord, I hope so.  I truly don't see how such lunacy can possibly survive.  You decide.


"No matter how absurd the State's "politically correct" declarations, disagreement is now routinely labeled fascist.  If you disagree with the lie that boys can be girls, you're a fascist!  If you think killing the economy to change the weather is insane, you're a fascist!  Paradoxically, the only way not to be a fascist is to abide by everything the State decrees.  Only by believing and repeating everything our Western "elites" say are you then rewarded with their permission to be "free."  All they do is lie, call it truth, and wait for applause.  It's sickening stuff and the kind of shameless rhetorical tripe that only politicians can stomach.

However, this "Great Reset" planned takeover of the world through the subterfuge of a "health emergency" is beginning to sever the globalists' hypnotic control over the people, and those in power seem blind to what's surely coming next."

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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