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December 11, 2021 2:54 am  #1

What difference could it possibly make?

We stand a chance of dying from both.  Vaxxzines are chancy, at best, and illnesses can go either way - - you get better or you die, so what's different?

Vaccines are not now, nor were they ever "SAFE" and those who don't get the vaxx's are a lot better off than those who do, so health insurance isn't as important for the non-vaxxed as it is for the vaxxed. There's just as much chance of the insurance companies turning down coverage for those who've been vaxxed as for those who have not.  Many of those companies do not want to take the risk of insuring vaxxed people anymore - - it's just not a part  of the protocol for "healthy living", never was.  Too many people are allergic *or have reactions of some type* to whatever ingredients and adjuvants are added to vaccines, but to this point that's been hard to prove, which is EXACTLY the way the medical industry wants it to stay.  People, including the people administering the vaccines, have absolutely no idea what's in them.  Yet they promote them as "healthy".  Saints preserve us.

How stupid are these people who spew this nonsense?

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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