This is THE MOST CHANGEABLE *morphing?* illness I've ever seen.
It's not about illness though, you see. It's about politics. It's about money. It's about power. It's about lockdowns. It's about masks. It's about social distancing. It's about vaxxzines for all, forever more and that's where the $$ part comes in.
IOW, it's about CONTROL in medicine AND politics. These idiots want us to believe whatever they say, no one is supposed to question anything we're told, and their word is final, doncha see the pattern here?
If I'm not mistaken, this is how the German concentration camps were started and then turned into infernos using human bodies as fuel. Is that what you want in your future? If it's not, you better start talking right now. Talk to everyone and anyone you know, from both sides of the aisle, to make them see clearly what's happening. You'd be surprised how clueless some people are.
The few GOOD GUY politicians left in power, are so busy trying to get everything in order to present it to the courts (also massive criminal entities for the most part) they don't have time to dissect all the details. Honestly I guess you'd have to say they just aren't seeing THE BIG PICTURE.
That's where the average man comes in. WE SEE THE BIG PICTURE, so share it with them every chance you get. Sharing this article with them would be a damned good place to start. Write and stay in touch with your representatives and your CONgresspeople every chance you get. If they get sick of you, you'll know they heard you loud and clear!