Sure is.
Who will stop it?
No one.
For some reason, even though it didn't work in the past, ALL countries now want to be exactly like China - - communist and proud of it - - the LOVE to kill. Thus, the vaxxzines and the push for everyone to get them from cradle to grave, every 6 months. Pure insanity but the new normal we've been hearing about.
But then there IS this aspect to consider. Do our leaders care? Hell no. They're cheering this on, since THEY don't need to take the vaxxzines (they fake it every time - - they're getting shots of something but it's likely vodka, not vials full of poisonous chemical concoctions).
Then again, maybe ol' joe's current health issues aren't anything at all to do with bouncing his grandbaby on his lap (or kissing the little tyke). Ewwwwww, not even if he were my grampa. He's a pervert we know that for a fact. But that's another story for another day.