The big lies - they've been around for centuries, but mostly in the 20th & 21st centuries because people are being turned into IDIOTS. How long can this deception go on? As long as people continue on as if they were trained monkeys.
Ahhhh, but now the whole scenario is starting to unravel right before the very eyes of the demon democraps who thought they had this all planned out. The only people still buying this nonsense are the NEWS PEOPLE and they repeat it all ad nauseum daily. Now you might understand why I watch old movies and old western programs all day, because it's the ONLY way to avoid all of their idiotic nonsense. And it's coming from everywhere.
Below I posted an unusually long quote, but I just didn't know where to stop because most of the time people do not read the links I post here (and I know that). Nevertheless, it's really too bad they don't because we have so much to learn about all these "fake, new, funky named "diseases/illnesses". These are NOT illnesses, they are made up diseases because the leftists NEED THEM for their long-term plans/goals. Think Hagzilla Clanton, who now has her tit in the wringer over smashing the Blackberry phones and computers full of pertinent information about a gazillion of their criminally based notions. One day all of those liars are going to be exposed, and it will also include many foreign countries, you can bet your boots on that. Watch out China et al, here we come.
This article is worth reading, and people really oughta read the whole damned article. But they're too lazy to do that, just like they're too lazy to look into the REAL origins of these red herrings we're all being sold by the leftist/communist biden "administration". Lies, nothing but lies. But these are SCARY lies so they make good reading or listening, and they SELL BETTER to the ignorant public.
The people I'm disappointed in most of all are those at FOX news. They are buying into these fake/killer vaxxzines like nothing I've ever witnessed. And they are trying to make YOU believe in the "goodness" of these vaxxzines. Every single newscaster/host on that stupid channel is boasting about how they had 1 or 4 or 6 vaxxzines already and how we should all take them - - - forgetting the huge number of people who have been harmed for life or killed by the damned things. But then again, they rarely report on those dead people or permanently injured people because there ARE NO TRUE NUMBERS. Not on either side. It's also the same thing that pisses me off about former Pres. Trump. He does the same damned thing, so really who's side are these people on, anyway?? No one is allowed to report the true number of deaths or illnesses. The numbers have been so convoluted by the democraps because they are now in the business of changing the meanings of words. For example the word equality is now equity. Two very different words in reality, but you are ONLY supposed to use the word equity. This is tin foil hat territory for the dems and yet they continue to blame everyone else because it's useful for them to do so. And why on earth would they take the blame for something they're responsible for doing/creating?? Yeah, fat chance.
Anyway, read on (from this link
" . . . the cover story about HIV was used in Africa.
For a very long time, the true causes of illness and death in areas of Africa have been: hunger; protein-calorie malnutrition; starvation; contaminated water supplies; poverty; war; farm land stolen from the people; corporate pollution; toxic medicines and vaccines; toxic pesticides; overcrowding in cities; lack of basic sanitation.
Most if not all of these causes could have been eliminated. But local governments did not want healthy people. Sick and dying people were easier to control, and taking away their land was an easier proposition.
Colluding with and paying off local government leaders, transnational corporations and foreign governments set up shop in these African countries and used the healthier people to work on their giant commercial farms and in their factories.
But in 1984, suddenly, there was a new (cover) story broadcast and sold to the world: what was really decimating Africa was HIV. THIS explained all the illness and dying.
The true causes, listed above, were shoved into the background.
Those true crimes were hidden, were permitted to continue unabated.
Not only that, the HIV cover story paved the way for pharmaceutical companies to rack up profits by selling extremely toxic AIDS drugs (e.g., AZT) to Africa.
The HIV test, which turned out false positives like Niagara Falls, made these drugs seem necessary—as fake case numbers soared.
People dying from the toxic medical treatments were, of course, listed as AIDS deaths.
And, as it turned out, HIV had never been isolated. Therefore, there was no proof it existed, no reason to suppose it existed."
Of course, HIV was years ago (the big part of it anyway), and that's the whole point. Dig up the past and compare it's fake numbers with all the NEW fake numbers.
Now we've got another new strain of THE FLU called omicron or something idiotic like that. It's just stunning how all of a sudden this is coming from Africa. You see, the spotlight had to be taken off of China so the new target is now Africa (imagine that - - the USA using Africa, as if we haven't been doing that for various reasons for the past 100 years).
But the EXPERT dumbass *Dr. fauxchee* can't even describe it, explain it, or even tell us exactly where this is supposed to have "come from". It gets weirder, believe me.
More craziness.
Let's play a game, ok? Let's start writing down all the "variants" of THE FLU (because that's what this is) which have already been used to scare the shit out of everyone in the USA by the biden people, unless you're actually using your God-given brain and you know this is all a lie. Apparently we're going to have to keep adding to that list because about every other day a new "variant" surfaces and surges and the NEWS PEOPLE report them as if these were factual accounts based on REAL viruses. Well geez, you really cannot stop a virus. But by God they're gonna try by scaring people into being injected with various BIGPHRMA POISONS. That is how it's done. You intimidate people into believing lies. And you tell me who are better liars than the democraps?? See, you can't!!
Sorry, I don't buy it. Never did, never will. This is fear-mongering at it's theatrical try-out. If YOU want to buy into it and get your doses of poison, be my guest, but I will not be at that party. Guess I'm just not a player.
Here, watch this!
Oh wow.
Raise your hand if you'll ever again believe one word of out this man's mouth. He's a liar. Should we set his pants on fire?