My Polka Dot Apron

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November 27, 2021 10:44 pm  #1

Holy socks, this didn't take long . . .

But WE THE PEOPLE are not supposed to question ANYTHING. 

Not. One. Thing.

They can go jump in a lake.  I doubt that very many THINKING people are going to be falling for this bad joke on society.  It's an outrage.

First they criticize former Pres. Trump for "rushing a vaccine" into use.  And then THEY do this!  OMG, it's just completely unreal. Disconnected from society and that's the "theme" of the biden 'administration' fakery.  DISCONNECT.

Oh yes, people are dying in Indonesia and the Phillipines, but it's not from a disease, it's from a contrived, polluted vaxxzine.  Our gubmint goons NEED this vaxxzine to happen, do you see that?  They NEED this as an undercover killer disguised as a "life saving treatment". 

Yeah, right, sure man.  When the public awakens from their stupor and realizes what the hell is really going on here, it's going to be a sight to behold.  Can't come soon enough for me. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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