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November 21, 2021 9:31 pm  #1

Deadliest vaccines in medical history

And then some . . .

1st read this:

And then read this:

To be completely honest with everyone, I find it extremely hard to believe that SOOOO many people bought into these ridiculous shots.  But they did.  These shots are not about people's health, I've said it many times.  They are about political maneuvering by the biden administration dirtwads, even though they LEGALLY have no right to order you or anyone else to do anything like take a vaxxzine.  biden simply does not have that power, I'm sorry joey, but you don't.  People need to do just a leeeetle homework to find the rule about this and about how joey has committed a no-no by even trying to force people to do this or anything else HE perceives as "necessary".  Hey, he doesn't even know what's necessary for himself, much less the rest of the USA.

One big give-away?  People who are Americans and have lived in America for generations, MUST submit to this shot (and good luck with that because I know many people who have no intention of taking even one of those killer clot shots) but the illegal aliens crossing our southern border by the millions, at the behest of ol' joe dirtbag, do NOT need these shots . . . ok then, tell me there isn't something wrong with that picture. . . .

. . . and no, Jen Psaki, you need to stop pushing the excuse "these people aren't going to be in the USA for very long, so they don't need the shots".  Wait . . . what?  If this "disease" spreads at the rates the CDC wants us all to believe, these people are likely the ones who BROUGHT it to America in the first place 'assuming you believe it's anything more than the annual regular flu'.  Personally, I believe it's just the flu, we've had many forms of "flu" in the past 50 years, no??  But nevertheless, those illegal aliens are here to stay, they ain't goin' nowhere and just TRY to get them out once they get in.  Wanna see a fight?  That'll get it for you.  Small"b"biden couldn't get those people out of the country now with a pitchfork and a rake and blasting powder to their backsides.  Ol' joe literally INVITED those sick people into the country, they've spread germs all over the place and now we're supposed to believe ol' joe is going to boot them out?  Ha, in whose dream does that happen???  Those people are here to stay, sorry to say. 

And small"b"biden, THOSE MEXICANS AND OTHER FOREIGNERS COMING HERE DRINK MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS AND THEY EAT LOTS AND LOTS OF MEAT - - now whatcha gonna do about your "meat mandates" and your "greening" policies????  Yes, cows fart.  So does small"b"biden.  So does Jen Psaki.  So does every living thing, and some pass gas even after they die.  True statement, look it up.  So getting rid of cows is NOT going to get rid of farts.  Small"b"biden is proof that we have trouble getting rid of OLD FARTS especially !!!! 

The democraps are so stupid they actually believe that farts in the atmosphere are a problem.  Good grief and Saints Preserve Us All.  The dems are a lot of things but 'leaders' is not one of them.  Check out our southern border if you believe that what this administration is doing is best for all of us. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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