My Polka Dot Apron

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November 17, 2021 9:21 pm  #1

Well, this just did it for me

I've officially had it with the USA.  I swear to God we have all just lost our minds - - and our ability to THINK.

Today I saw a photo of the 'tree-decorated Capitol Building' of my state (where my Dad used to serve as a legislator), and there in plain sight was a man in a santa suit WEARING A FRIGGIN' MASK. Christ on a crutch.  Now dear readers - - I live in one of the most open states in the union and yet there he was parading around with a damned mask.  I've just had it with this mentality.  Where the hell was our gubner??  Why wasn't she raising Cain about this???

Yeah, seeing Santa in a mask - - - that'll send a message to the kiddies, won't it??  Jesus H.

We have all just lost our souls.

Masks cause more harm than good, we all have known that for MONTHS. 

The shots are worse than actually having the flu and then gaining natural, herd immunity. That's why the biden administration is pushing them like candy and even offering people $$ to take them.  No clues there, right?  Geez people, get a grip.  The "administration goons" WANT YOU TO GET SICK AND IF YOU DON'T DIE THEY'LL TRY SOMETHING ELSE - - LIKE A 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th SHOT.  When are people going to open their eyes to all of this nonsense?

Social distancing is now and always has been the biggest joke on this planet (maybe it works on Mars, should we ask ol' joe to be our test subject??  After all, he's already on Mars half the time).

This country has been through all kinds of illness outbreaks and we've always managed to get by without masks or any other type of precautions on this level.

Bringing in millions of illegals is another illness of our times.  I'd sure like to know who's calling the shots because it sure as hell ain't the great pretender ol' joe "nutjob in a diaper". 

We have to start correcting some of the wrongs perpetrated within the last 18 - 20 months, because if we don't, the people of this country will not stand a chance at normalcy, not ever again.  Think about that REAL hard.

I mean, really, I've just had it.  I'll go where I want to go, do whatever I want to do and if some "business owner" doesn't like it they can just eat dirt - - or call the police and then I'll proceed to tell THEM what I think.  I'd like to go up to the stupid people wearing masks and just rip them off of their faces and ask them what the sam hell they are thinking.  Well, clearly they aren't thinking because if they were they wouldn't even think about wearing a death mask.  But you just can't help the stupid ones, I guess.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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