My Polka Dot Apron

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November 6, 2021 5:20 am  #1

This explains a lot

It explains, precisely, why biden was "placed" into office as the bumbling numbskull he is.

They NEEDED him to do as he was told - - namely to shut down things like the Keystone Pipeline and anything else that would make us a "reliant for our energy country".  He and his idiot son have been superb at their "jobs" so far.  I hope we can stop all of this craziness, starting in 2020 and then finishing it up in 2024.  The USA has to start getting tough on our enemies (even if they pretend to be our friends) and I do mean tough.  The way I have in mind isn't legal and never was, even though our country has had it happen to us numerous times BY OUR OWN PEOPLE.  (You gotta read the book about the life and times of GWHB - - that will answer a helluva lotta your questions).  But it works in the aftermath and we could make it work this time, too.  No more bumbling shooters or crazy ass bombers.  No sir, now we go sophisticated because WE CAN.

You'll see what I mean when you see what they have planned for us.  And yes, this will include the USA - - is there any reason it shouldn't?

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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