When did politics start dictating our medical norms? AND WHY??
The vaxxed people are now the ones the rest of us (who were smart enough NOT to take the untested, untrialed vaxxzines) should fear, as they are the spreaders - - BECAUSE they are vaxxed. This is just in the beginning stages of being discovered by the American people thanks to a few honest medical people who have decided not to be afraid to speak out.
This topic is fast becoming the darling of the democraps who are on a warpath to destroy America even if they have to do it one person at a time. They don't care.
They're killing AMERICANS with these vicious injections. It was their plan from the get-go, because sick people don't/can't fight back, rght? And the dead ones really can't fight back.
I have tried to point out MANY TIMES here at this site how vaccines SHED. Maybe now people will begin to understand how it works, and why the democraps are pushing these shots (we're up to what now, shot 6 or is it a lifetime of semi-annual shots?).
People who have been vaxxed are acting as if they're superior to those of us who wouldn't take the damned thing for all the tea in Taiwan. They thought WE WERE THE ONES who were going to be a 'spread the disease' problem. The vaccinated people are the ones who are now dangerous to the rest of us. Yeah, just git 'em to admit that, I dare you to try. They aren't about to admit anything. The political/medical complex are never going to admit what they've been up to. No good is what they've been up to, as per usual. This is especially bad news for people like me, who have compromised autoimmune systems.
Good reading below.
What'd I tell ya?
They're NEVER going to admit any of this.
WHY isn't anyone in CONgress asking THAT question??