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THIS was America's biggest blunder ever.
I dare anyone to deny it. THIS is where it all started and is now just being continued by biden and his henchmen. Electing GWB in a contended election (imagine that) was our first mistake and from there it escalated; it just blew up in our faces because GWB can't find his own underwear drawer much less lead a country in a time of crisis. The trouble is, it was a MANUFACTURED crisis.
NONE of the Iraq war "cheerleaders" suffered any consequences. And they never will, biden is seeing to it.
America's "leaders" took a robust economy and shoved it right into a dumpster and started a 20 year fire which will now become an ENDLESS fire.
Here's more info on the untrialed, untested YET TOTALLY APPROVED BY THE FDA (and various other psychotic "agencies") vaccines. This is quite scientific and not geared for those not interested in science, but lots of good info on how "connections" are made (one had washes the other, IOW) throughout the scientific community.
It's a vid about 48 min long and worth seeing. I HATE watching videos but it seems this is the only way to do shit these days, whether we like it or not. MORE CRAP ON A STICK FROM OUR BELOVED BIG TECH IDIOTS.
But I love the name of the site . . . . CORONAFRAUD dot COM. Cute, very cute . . . . . . . . At least they're telling the truth.
There are a number of vid's at this site worth seeing, actually, so click on whatever interests you.
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