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January 25, 2021 1:59 am  #1

We're in a hellhole now

This just proves that masks, social distancing, vaxxzines and all the rest of that garbage is just PURE THEATRE for political purposes.  No wonder dumbass Fauxchee says something different every day - - he can't follow the script either.

And the members of CONgress who DO follow the ridiculous orders are just plain stupid.  THEY'RE the ones who need to be fighting back on all of this nonsense or the PEOPLE OF THE USA certainly don't stand a chance.  I don't, sadly, think it would have been any different if Trump has been re-elected either, because he was big on those jabs . . . a cohort of Gates, apparently.

At any rate, NONE of this has anything to do with out health.  Every country in the world has gone through far worse crap than this in the past 10,000 years and we'll do it again many times, the more people there are on this planet.  That's just the way it is, but NOT building your immunity to things is certainly NOT the way to go.  The whole thing is pure unadulterated hellhole theatre.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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