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December 28, 2020 3:34 am  #1

The gray curtain leading to a blackened future

I feel it's shameful to have to discuss articles like this one, but this is definitely what's coming our way. I don't understand why even the dimpocraps would want this to happen. It's truly puzzling. 

But you make up your mind - while you still have the freedom because since Biden stole the election (and we KNOW he did, with hateful Hagzilla's help) none of us will have that freedom much longer.  She never EVER got over the fact that she lost to Donald Trump because he ran a clean campaign and she ran the dirtiest campaign in American history.  She was SO SURE SHE WAS GOING TO WIN - - just like Biden was - - that she didn't really campaign much either (although she didn't hide in her basement as far as I know!).  Biden used COVID as his excuse NOT to campaign, which we now know was the biggest lie we've been told so far.

The American population was onto her hubris and didn't WANT that to happen to our gubmint.  But now here it is

But it's the last election we'll have to worry about, take my word for it.  There will BE no more elections in the USA because the USA will no longer exist.  If you think that sounds dour, it's because it does.

Quotes from article at link below:

"It’s a close contest between which officially approved story is more implausible: Coronavirus as the Scourge of Humanity or America’s Free and Fair Election. The former enabled the latter, and they were propagated by the same people pursuant to an all-in power grab. Both are riddled with glaring inconsistencies and fraud, none of which are mentioned in polite society."AND THIS:

"The stories’ propagators don’t address the inconsistencies and fraud because they can’t; they simply deny their existence. They suppress questions, inquiry, and exploration of actual evidence and facts, and promote mindless slogans. The legacy media censorship has been overt, but not as effective as hoped, thanks in large part to the alternative media. The censorship itself is a red flag. If the approved stories are Shining Truth, why can’t they bear challenge?The propagandists are suppressing free inquiry and debate, and they’re about to eliminate it entirely. With next month’s ascension of Biden and Harris and the predatory and parasitic ruling cabal to which they answer, the prize is in site. They see no need to continue feigning fealty to anything other than subjugation and control.For the most part they’ve even dropped their shopworn rhetoric of concern for their subjects. In the good old days there was “for the people” codswallop with the goodies, which you got as long as you did what you were told. The new diktat will be to do as you’re told or else, but there will be no goodies; governments are bankrupt and the ruling cabal has no ability to produce. They will not be bothered by destitution and deaths among the ruled, that’s a feature, not a bug. Indeed, any detectable concern would be grounds for immediate expulsion from the cabal."

**** I will try to keep up with the following installments to this article and post them here for all to see.  It's very disheartening reading, I will warn you now.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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