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December 23, 2020 6:30 am  #1

How dumb are we?

This is the way politics is played. Just shows you how dumb we all really are.

They do this EVERY TIME THEY HAVE SOMETHING MASSIVE AND DECEITFUL to pass.  They wait until right before a holiday or even during a holiday (lots of sneaky stuff has happened on July 4th over the years, especially the Obozo years) to do something so atrocious to the general public.  By doing this they think no one will notice, I guess.  How dumb do they think we are?  AND how dumb are we to let this continue to happen?????

The USA is now so far in debt that we will never get out, and it's "we the little people" (never the already rich who were enriched by these schemes) who are ultimately going to pay the price for this stupidity.  You know as well as I do that Nanny Piglosi isn't the one who's going to have to pay back one dime of this money - not ever.  These idiots in CONgress use OUR TAX MONEY to pay this back, that's how it costs us the ultimate price.  We will be giving up medicare and all the other gubmint programs pretty soon anyway, so then what are the politicos gonna use when no one has jobs to contribute to those types of programs so the leaders can steal from them?  It's quite a process they've got going - and I hope it backfires right into that smug, smirking face of Nanny Piglosi.  It couldn't happen to a nicer person . . .

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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